Online Therapy Resources

Amy Bean
Wednesday, July 1st, 2020

The COVID 19 pandemic pushed a large growth of online resource of apps, YouTube exercise channels, and websites offering advice available to utilise for home and inpatient therapy.

Whilst there are many therapists, both private and NHS, now utilising video services to provide assessments, therapy and advice as standard practice (referred to as TeleRehab) there are also more opportunities available to supplement this by using these online therapy resources.

We thought it would be helpful to provide a link to the most commonly used ones in one place. If you have found others not listed below that have been particularly helpful we would love to hear what these are and we can then add them. The majority of the apps below are free to download so well worth trying them out to see which is the most beneficial for you.


ViaTherapy   This app identifies the most evidence based intervention depending on your presentation post neurological injury

My Therappy   NHS therapy App. Contains multiple apps depending on your needs e.g. communication, reminder for taking pills, stroke rehab etc. Click on “Find Apps” on the the top menu and then select the one most relevant to you.

REPS   Stroke specific exercise tasks for the Upper Limb.

Clock Yourself    A cognitive and physical challenge app that works as brain game.

Strocit Post stroke exercises adapted from the National Stroke Association.

MS Apps A range of different apps within this site for helping manage Multiple Sclerosis.

SaeboMind Mental imagery exercises. Suitable for any level of physical ability and free to download by clicking the icon below.


YouTube Pages

Otago Exercise Programme Evidence based falls prevention programme

M.O.T.O.R Range of stroke exercises, including upper limb exercises in a seated position. Different grades of exercises shown.

Saebo Variety of exercise ideas including hand exercises post stroke

Websites  Type in anything you want to learn more about into their search engine e.g. “stroke”

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy 6 Simple Exercises to help older people keep active at home

Stroke-ed  Resources for Tele-Rehab including a download for setting up safe and effective exercises at home

SameYOU New UK directory for Stroke and Brain Injury Rehab services local to you

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