The Importance Of Strength As We Age

Amy Bean
Thursday, June 9th, 2022

Guest Blog written by Phoebe Cassedy, Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and expert in strength and fitness in older adults.


Most of us know we should all be exercising regularly, probably more than most of us are! Some of us may even recall the recommended amount we should be doing: the UK Public Health Physical Activity Guidelines recommend that adults, and older adults are active daily, with either 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity, or 75 minutes of high or vigorous intensity activity (1). Moderate could be activities such as gardening, brisk walking, cycling (activities causing you to get a bit of short of breath but able to talk in full sentences). High or vigorous activities need to be more intense than this, including running or sports (enough to cause fast breathing and you shouldn’t be able to talk in full sentences). These are recommendations for all adults, including older adults and those living with chronic conditions.

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